AEGEE-Tartu’s SU 2023: Grow With the Flow

AEGEE-Tartu’s SU 2023: Grow With the Flow Mental health meets green skills: This year’s Summer University of AEGEE-Tartu covers several important topics. “Furthermore, we will explore the ancient nature of Estonia in all its glory and learn about the Estonian culture and history”, explains the Estonian AEGEE branch. 20 lucky people will have the chance…

AEGEE-Praha’s SU 2023: Explore Yourself and Czechia

AEGEE-Praha’s SU 2023: Explore Yourself and Czechia This year’s Summer University of AEGEE-Praha “Too Hot To Czech It” takes you on several journeys: We will explore the relationships our participants have with themselves and others”, explains the Czech AEGEE branch. In addition, the 22 participants will also get a close look at the country –…